Classic Plastic 1989 HeroQuest Dwarf

Classic Plastic 1989 HeroQuest Dwarf

This is a 1 part model with the base integrated with the model.

Features of the original model:-
– 1 Square base ( no assemble required )
– 1 Miniature

You may also find these topics helpful. Original HeroQuest components. 


Classic Plastic 1989 HeroQuest Dwarf

1989 HeroQuest Dwarf – Note the detail with the wording β€˜classic’ and β€˜1989’. This 1 part  plastic HQ Dwarf came with the Original Hero Quest game. This tough hero is a must if you are looking to recollect the original HQ miniatures to completion.

It was a 1 part model with no assembly required.

1989 HeroQuest Dwarf

Below is an affiliate link to eBay with a variety of classic Hero Quest dwarves in varying conditions and paint jobs.

It should also be noted that the Dwarf in his original state didn’t come painted! This is just an example of my paint job from a miniature that I purchased on eBay.

Search For HQ Dwarf – Ebay

Browse Multlisting – Ebay