How to get cheap Warhammer 40k miniatures!
“Warhammer” & “Cheap” are rarely words that go together. What do you expect for a premium product in the tabletop gaming industry?

GW is a significant contributor to an industry that is worth over £5 billion!
Surely there must be a way to get cheaper Warhammer? Or at least at more affordable prices if you have tight purse strings?
How to get cheap Warhammer 40 k miniatures, or where you can buy cheap W40K is an age-old problem -possibly dating back to before the 30,000 millennia.
Below is a set of answers and ideas on where to get cheap Warhammer 40k.
How can I get cheap Warhammer miniatures
How to get cheap Warhammer 40 k miniatures? Getting hold of cheap Warhammer models is not exactly a dark art. By considering what your favourite armies are, and where to buy the armies can allow you to build a larger army more quickly.
Easy to build Warhammer kits are/were often cheaper than their more detailed and complex counterparts. Weaker fodder units also tend to be cheaper depending on the unit and its popularity. Poxwalkers are an example of a lower cost fodder unit that will flesh out a Death Guard army.
Buying unloved models from eBay and jumble sales is another way of getting cheap Warhammer.
Places such as Gumtree, and Craiglist are also worth keeping an eye for ex-collectors clearing out the cupboard.
And last and certainly not least. Search through online and physical stores such as DarkSphere.
That should answer how you can buy cheap Warhammer. By searching for unloved units and looking for £7 box sets. But ‘Where’ to get these is a somewhat different question. Or a different branch of the same tree.
Or a different tentacle of the same Chaos Spawn…
Yeah… you get the point!

Where can I buy Warhammer 40k models at a cheaper price? ( Where to look! )
So you already know how to get cheaper Warhammer, or how to get cheap Warhammer 40k miniatures to be precise.
For the next question – where can you buy cheap Warhammer.
To get or buy cheap Warhammer, you can buy it in person at dedicated discount retail outlets that focus on selling discounted Warhammer. Darksphere, Wayland Games and Goblin gaming are stores that sell low cost and affordable Warhammer 40K.
In terms of where these physical stores are. Darkshere’s physical store is in Shepard’s bush in London. You can also buy their discounted Warhammer online too.
In terms of other places where you can buy cheap, low cost or more affordable Warhammer you can also check FaceBook groups and eBay.

List of places where you can get cheap Warhammer 40k :-
Darkspere is a good shop that sells cheaper and more affordable Warhammer. And not forgetting to mention that the physical store is huge!
Dark Sphere is based in London. if you are looking for discounted Warhammer, you should pay them a visit. Or you can buy from them online which is also discounted and below the standard RRP!
But you may not get quite the same fuzzy feeling as going to the shop!
Wayland Games
Wayland games is another establishment that sells Warhammer and a range of products around tabletop gaming.
They are also based in South East England.
Element Games
Element Games is another online and physical store that sells cheaper and discounted Warhammer. Feel free to click the affiliate link below to buy cheaper Warhammer and support independent stores and this website.
Element Games
*Should you decide to purchase anything from Element games, a commission may be paid to this website and therefore the me, – the writer and creator.
Check your local model shop
If getting to some of the larger stores are out of the question. You should consider looking at some of your local stores to see what they have on offer.
Growing up around smaller towns, I often found that some of the model shops happened to sell Warhammer, especially the cheaper kits. As to whether it will be discounted now, you won’t know until you visit.
Independent Toyshops
I used to use pocket money every week to buy £5 Warhammer kits in the early 1990s. I saved for 2 weeks to accumulate £5! Many of these £5 kits are long gone now but some still exist. You can pick up some moderately priced Easy to build kits for under £10 still though. Such as Cultists, Imperial Guard and Poxwalkers.
Fairs, conventions and shows for table top gaming
These can be great places to search. So – how do you get cheap Warhammer 40k miniatures at these events? Typically by buying a ticket to the show and turning up with your eyes peeled for stands that sell Warhammer 40k.
These events can be good places to buy new boxed Warhammer 40K too, not just stripped and resprayed models.
To name a few – in normal times; Salute, Dragon Meet sometimes UKGE too.
Other places and ideas
There are a few other potential places where you may be able to find cheap Warhammer miniatures. Aside from the main places you may be able to find Warhammer job lots on Gumtree, car boots sales, larger toy department stores to name some.
And – jumble sales!
Places online where you can buy cheap Warhammer 40k miniatures
eBay is a treasure trove for cheap Warhammer
For a marketplace that is boiling with Warhammer miniatures, eBay can be a great place to find miniatures and new models. You can buy Warhammer job lots, bits, single models or new boxed models. There is a lot to pick from.
You can see what eBay has listed here with regards to Warhammer 40k.

* If you purchase anything from eBay, a small commission may be paid to Dragon Bone Games. Thank you for your support.
Facebook market place
Although I cannot vouch for this personally I am aware that Facebook has a very active board game community. Check the marketplace to see if you can buy cheap Warhammer miniatures there.
I doubt I need to tell you about Amazon. Sometimes you can grab a bargain on there for cheap Warhammer miniatures. Just make sure you are buying from a genuine shop and distributor on Amazon.
How to get cheap Warhammer 40k miniatures ( not where but what!)
After reading and listing various places on where to find cheap Warhammer or “how to get it”. If you are just after any old Warhammer miniatures, easy to build kits used to be a great way of getting your claws into some accessible and affordable Warhammer, but sadly it appears as if Games Workshop has ended many of their easy to build kits! ( why or why! )
It can be assumed that new kits might come out in the future or Games Workshop might wish to encourage collectors to buy their more detailed (expensive) kits.
Even if you can’t buy the easy to build kits directly from Games Workshop, you can still be able to purchase them from eBay.
Buying the easy build kits is not the only way. Have you considered some of the other cheaper kits you can buy?
Games Workshop also offers a range of models and kits that are around £5. in terms of what these kits are:-
- Chaos Cultists
- Pox Walkers
- Astra Miltarium Cadians ( Easy to Build )
You can also buy single miniatures on eBay. Here is a post on the different types of Nurglings as an example.
This is to name a few affordable miniature sets. There is no guarantee that these will be around forever but they are certainly worth a look if you want to try your hand at Warhammer 40k.
Ideas on how to get cheap Warhammer 40k miniatures ( the takeaway)
If you have only glanced over the suggestions above there are few ways to get discounted or cheaper Warhammer. Some of my favourite ways are by checking dedicated retail shops such as Darksphere or browsing eBay to see what shows up.
If you have found this post helpful feel free to share.
Other posts around finding discounted items Warhammer
- Cheap ways to store you miniatures
- Low cost cards games you can play for around £15
- Different types of Nurglings
- Where to get job lots of Warhammer
- Is Recasting Warhammer illegal? ( yes it is ) but why!?
That’s how you can get cheap Warhammer miniatures.