Nurglings, these delightful little blobs of terror, have been around since the Rogue Trader era of Games Workshop.
Hopefully, Nurglings will continue to infest and corrupt the Warhammer 40K universe for many decades to come. Lets, face it, they bring a lot of fun to the universe.

There are many different types of Nurglings, and the chances are, there will be many more different Nurglings to come in the future. Although not guaranteed.
But it begs the question. What are the different types of Nurglings to this date? How many additions have there been? Etc etc.
If you have arrived here to find out what the individual Nurgling models are so you can buy them and add them to your Nurgle or Death Guard army! Then read on!
Nurglings come in many shapes and sizes. You might argue that Nurglings are too numerous to list but this post attempts to list some of these critters.
What are the individual Nurglings? ( what is covered here )
- Different types of Nurglings – A Nurgling Mini Bestiary
- Where to buy individual Nurglings ( jump to section)

A list of some of the different types of Nurglings
This list of Nurglings has been compiled together for the Nurgle lovers. Scroll down to see what Nurglings are currently available and which have been created by GW in the past.
If you would like to view the product listing of Nurglings, or you can read more about their stats here : Nurgling 8th edition stats Warhammer 40 K, feel free.
What are the different types of Nurglings:–
Helmet Nurgling / Sassy Nurgling
The helmet Nurgling comes with the Death Guard Champion. The Helmet Nurgling is also known as the Sassy Nurgling.
The stacked Nurglings ( Nurgling Rows )
These stacked Nurglings were released in 2017. They come in rows and can be combined with other rows to form a swarm. The stacked Nurglings come with a range of characters ether vomiting, grabbing, or generally snarling and being unpleasant. They come as a kit so you can make your own Nurgling base or swarm.
These miniatures tend to have smooth, plump, and rounded bodies, with wide sharp horns.
You can read more about this edition of Nurglings here. 2017 Nurgling listing

Singing Nurgling
The singling Nurgling is a new design that comes with a a plague bearer kit.
The hanging, swinging or sitting Nurgling
These Nurglings have been made so that they can either grab or swing from objects or other Nurglings. These Nurgling(s) come as part of more recent Games Workshop Nurgling kits.
The Gnawing Nurgling
Which one! When hasn’t a Nurgling been seen to be gnawing on something? In this instance, this is referring to the Nurgling that comes as part of the Nurgling swarm base. The gnawing Nurgling can be seen gnawing on its sibling’s entrails!
The Bionic Nurglings
These mites come as part of the Rogue Trader kill team editions. If you are looking to add some variety to your Nurgling army, these would make an interesting addition. They are referred to as “Gellerpox Glitchlings”.
The Nurgling with a Club
This metal Nurgling comes from one of the older editions. The Nurgling with a club is one of the larger Nurgling models you can get. It was made from “white metal”. (non-plastic or resin )
The Nurgling with a club comes with snarl, open wounds and sagging flesh and stylistically looks more horrifying than some of the cuter Nurglings in the 2017 edition.
If you want a menacing-looking Nurgling then this could be a strong addition to your collection.
Little Nurgling with a tiny bone!
Many Nurglings from the older edition of Warhammer (1998) carry a small weapon of some kind. This tiny little miniature would make a great addition to any Nurgling horde.
This model was cast in white metal.
Nurgling with clenched fists
Another individual Nurgling from this edition of metal Nurglings, was a small Nurgling with clenched fists. These Nurglings bare a striking resemblance to their grandpapa Nurgle in that they are covered in open wounds and sores. Their skin sags from their muscles. Tears in their flesh expose muscle and tissue beneath.
But all on a much tinier scale!
A Nurgling a with a short spear
Another individual Nurgling from this edition of metal Nurglings, was a small Nurgling with clenched fists. These Nurglings bear a striking resemblance to their grandpapa Nurgle in that they are covered in open wounds and sores. Their skin sags from their muscles. Tears in their flesh expose muscle and tissue beneath.
But all on a much tinier scale!
A Nurgling a with a short spear
As part of the same era of Nurglngs as the Nurgling with a bone, clenched fists, and the Nurgling with a club is the Nurgling with a spear!
This Nurgling is holding a spear in both hands and almost looks to be standing upright. This Nurgling miniature is also made from metal.
Rogue Trader | Slug Nurglings
Some of the oldest Nurglings that resemble a cross between, Nurgle, plague bearers, and slugs are those from the Rogue Trader era.
These Nurglings have been made so that they are to be glued and inserted into their bases.
Also, these Nurglings often come with metal pegs so they can be pushed into bases. These miniatures are also made from metal.
Rogue Trader Nurglings By Kev Adams & Aly Morrison ( just after Rogue trader)
These Nurglings are a personal favourite, each model is so expressive, unique and brimming with character.
These Nurglings come in a range of shapes and sizes, ranging from Nurgling’s with beaming little grins, to Nurglings gesturing – there are just so many. A lot of love went into the creation of these.
These miniatures come with flat bottoms. Non-pegged!
A brief summary of individual Nurglings from Rogue Trader era
The rogue trader era Nurglings tend to be a bit more slug-like in appearance with some of the Nurglings pre-cast with metal pegs protruding from their bases.

No exact names for individual models can be found at this time only that they are come in a range of different shapes and sizes and are packed with character.
When looking for individual models of Nurglings. I will often try to find them on eBay by typing in searches such as “rogue trader” “oop”, and metal Nurglings. Or alternately “nurgling” bits. I have already “pre-searched” some of the Nurglings on eBay.
You can try to find some of the classic metal Nurglings on eBay. ( open search )
Late or Post Rogue Trader style Nurglings
The following set of Nurglings came in a wide range of designs with flat bottoms. This set was created by Kev Adams and Aly Morrison.
What Nurglings are post Rogue Trader?
After the original release of Nurglings ( from the first there were many ) came the following edition of metal Nurglings. These Nurglings changed in style, leaning towards a more violent but as equally disgusting range.
These Nurglings were also made from metal, and came equipped with weapons such as picks, clubs, and bones.

2017 Edition Of Nurglings
Potentially one of the biggest shake-ups in Nurgling design came in around 2016 / 2017. With the 2017 edition of the Nurglings you could create your own custom formation or swarm.
These Nurgling models were designed in such a way as to allow to the models positioned, piled or stacked into ravening swarms.

Some of the characters of note are; the vomiting Nurgling, and the two Nurglings arm in arm.
You can read more about what comes in this box Nurglings 2017 edition or view the on-site product listing.
You can also buy these Nurglings from Wayland games.
Rogue Trader Kill Team Nurglings ( Glitchlings )
The Kill Team Nurglings or as they are officially called – the Gellerpox Glitchings come in a range of shapes and sizes. Their bodies are an amalgamation of corrupted flesh and bionics.
Where can I buy individual Nurglings?
Typically speaking you have to purchase Nurglings boxed or as a pack that comes as a swarm.
But, You can buy individual Nurglings from websites such as eBay or potentially Facebook as individual models. You may not wish to buy an entire box.

* It should be noted, that if you decide to purchase any Nurglings on eBay a commission may be paid to Dragon Bone Games. Thank your support.
Individual listings for Nurglings on Ebay
Name list summary of Nurglings
This is a list of how some of the Nurglings have been named or mentioned in no particular order. List of Nurglings:-
- Sassy/helmet Nurgling
- Vomiting Nurgling
- Singing Nurgling
- Stern Nurgling
- Crushed Nurgling
- One-eyed Nurgling
- Hanging Nurgling
- Tongue Pulled Nurglings
– *Glitchlings – Glitchlings are technically part of the W40K kill team. But due to their Nurgling attributes, I felt that it would be worth a mention if you want bionic Nurglings in your collection.
Metal Nurglings
- Small Nurgling with a bone
- Nurgling with a bone
- Small Nurgling shaking fists into the air
- Larger Nurglng holding a spear
- Nurgling holding a spiked club behind its head
- A little Nurgling waving a club in the air and shaking fist
Older Metal Nurglings ( Rogue trader era ) Approx ( Designed by Kev Adams + Aly Morisson)
- *Metal Nurglings Reference number – 073238
- Small Metal Nurgling holding stomach open
- Smiling Nurgling
Different types of Rogue Trader metal Nurglings
Some of the oldest editions of metal Nurglings come with a small metal peg to allow you to insert the model into their plastic bases. This particular batch of Nurglings also has a more slug-like resemblance and comes in a range of characters!

Where can I buy rogue trader Nurglings?
You can buy individual Rogue trader Nurglings on eBay and or board game community groups. You can also find websites dedicated to selling “bits” that will also sell Nurglngs as individual models.
where you can buy individual Nurgllings : Ebay Nurgling Listing

* It should be noted, that if you decide to purchase any Nurglings on eBay commission may be paid to Dragon Bone Games.
The list written above offers some names and suggests to also help you in your search for finding unique or individual Nurglings.

Conclusion of different types of Nurglings and where to buy individual models
This is a summary answer of different types of Nurglings. You may love Nurglings enough that you want to create an interesting army or you may wish to collect some new miniatures for your army. For the 8th edition some stats and rules can be read here : -. Nurgling stats and rules for Warhammer 40K.
The most recent edition of Nurglings (2017) are cast in plastic and come attached to a sprue. The models have been designed in such a way so that you can stack them, arrange them, pile them or do what you wish with them in terms of creative formation.
The older metal versions could not be stacked so easily. Before the plastic edition of Nurglings there came a range of models that were armed with razor-sharp teeth and claws. They were also armed with small weapons.
The metal editions before this were an eclectic bunch of little mites. They come in a range of mischievous shapes and sizes. Some of the earliest editions came with a metal peg on the bottom of the model.
Where can I buy individual Nurglings for my Deathguard army or collection? ( Conclusion )
As mentioned before, you can buy individual Nurglings on websites such as eBay or on boardgame communities. This is a shortlist of Nurglings
- Glitchinlings ( Glitclings )
- Metal Nurglings with weapons
- * Rogue trader Nurglings can be rare to find
Related posts on this Website
Nurglings on Fandom
* It should be noted, that if you decide to purchase any Nurglings on eBay or from Wayland games a small commission may be paid to Dragon Bone Games.
Dragon Bone Games – The different types of Nurglings