Where can you find playtesters for your board game?

If you have a board game that you would like to publish and make a roaring success, then finding playtesters to see how your game works is a must. Finding playtesters sooner rather than later will help the early development of your board game. Especially, if you want...

Where to get your miniatures plastic cast UK

Looking on getting your miniatures cast in plastic in the United Kingdom? I need to know where to get your miniatures plastic cast UK. If you are a budding board game developer or want to create some of your own miniatures, then finding a service to print your...

What is the original heroquest box art value

This post covers in detail what is the original Heroquest box art value. You may be interested to know the value of the original HeroQuest game box because for the following reasons:- You are considering selling the original HeroQuest board game and want to check...

Where to find beta testers for your board game

Where to find beta testers for your board game – Finding beta testers (or playtesters) for your board game can be tricky as a budding game designer! Beta testing your prototype is an important step and should not be overlooked.Another thing to take into...

What board game distributors are in the UK?

This post offers a helpful list of what board game distributors are in the UK, focusing predominantly on business to business distribution and wholesale companies to help your board game business move toward retailed and scaling. (presumably) There are approximately...